
A community-driven blog supporting educators, building lifelong learners,
and shaping the future of education.* 

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Demystifying Interoperability 472

While topics like 1:1 and digital literacy remain as important as ever, we’re also hearing some new buzzwords in the edtech lexicon with growing frequency.  APIs. Metadata.  Interoperability.  So, what exactly is interoperability, and why is it the next frontier in digital learning?

Claudia Reuter
Former Senior VP, HMH Labs

Carol Jago 472

Visual artists approach their work with the same purposes as writers: to persuade, to explain, and to convey experience real or imagined. The difference is in their tools. While writers employ diction, syntax, and imagery to establish a tone and convey their message; visual artists use color, line, shape, object, and scale.

Carol Jago
HMH Author and Associate Director, California Reading & Literature Project at UCLA

Educator Confidence Report 472

This spring, HMH surveyed 1,000+ classroom teachers, and school and district administrators nationwide as part of our inaugural Educator Confidence Report. The survey, which will be conducted annually, was designed to measure educator sentiment by taking a snapshot of the opportunities, challenges and changes on teachers’ minds today.


Conversations Smagsamen 472

On Sunday, June 7, early learning experts and stakeholders from diverse organizations and disciplines gathered in New Orleans for the second symposium in HMH’s Conversations on Early Learning series.


Sxswedu 472

In March, HMH thought leaders headed to Austin, Texas for SXSWedu .The annual four-day conference brings education stakeholders together to connect, collaborate, create and change how we teach and learn.


Teacher Appreciation Week 472 2

In honor of last week’s Teacher Appreciation Week, we took some time here at HMH to reflect on educators who truly made a difference in our lives.


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At its inception, the internet was created primarily to allow scholars and scientists to exchange data, theories and resources, and to provide a forum for intellectual curiosity. Today, this access to limitless information is available to anyone with an internet connection.

Susan Magsamen
Former Senior Vice President of Early Learning

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The early learning field has reached a galvanizing moment. A confluence of research, practice, policy, content development, informal learning and advocacy work has cultivated fertile ground for the community’s shared commitment and growth by providing the tools we need to ensure that all young learners have access to essential education experiences.

Susan Magsamen
Former Senior Vice President of Early Learning

Op Ed Thumb

AS CHIEF CONTENT Officer of a learning company, people frequently ask me: “Won’t all of your content eventually be free? After all, when technology enters the market, free is right behind it.”

Mary Cullinane
Former Chief Content Officer and Executive Vice President of Product Planning, Development and Marketing

Ascd 250

Few would argue that improving student learning is one of the most important challenges facing us today. The educational landscape is changing as technology promises to revolutionize the way we learn in the same way it has transformed the way we communicate and do business.

Chris Goodson
SVP, HMH Education Services

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We know that relationships are essential to healthy child development. We can observe organic collaborative behaviors even in very young children, who often explore their worlds and gather information while they play independently, but then eventually come together to learn and share experiences with others.

Susan Magsamen
Former Senior Vice President of Early Learning

Sxswedu 250

HMH leaders were on the ground at SXSWedu 2015 in Austin this past week, generating social media buzz and connecting with attendees from all corners of the education space.


Sxswedu 250

You’d be hard-pressed to hop on board the education conference junket without coming across a panel or keynote about the need for transformation within our classrooms. And it’s not just the concept of change that we are obsessed with – it’s the solution as well.

Mary Cullinane
Former Chief Content Officer and Executive Vice President of Product Planning, Development and Marketing


In today’s digital age of texting, autocorrect, spell-checking and tweeting, grammar seems to take a backseat. And while digital linguistic conveniences (think LOL, BRB and BFF) are just that – convenient! – grammar is important because it helps us understand how language works.

Sara Buren
Shaped Contributor

Grey Matter Thumb

At the beginning of this year, the Joan Ganz Cooney Center published Ten for 15: Education Reform for a Shared Future, a list of ten takeaways and resolutions designed to give educators inspiration as they plan for a successful 2015.

Susan Magsamen
Former Senior Vice President of Early Learning

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We tend to think of technology as the inspiration behind the innovations of today, but what if instead, the idea is born before anyone has invented the technology to realize it?


Presidents Day 250

In 1879, President Rutherford B. Hayes signed into law Washington’s Birthday, a day to remember George Washington’s legacy.  The holiday at first applied only to federal offices in the District of Columbia, but was expanded to the whole country in 1885.


Cg Valentine

The annual practice of exchanging Valentine’s Day greetings and gifts with loved ones can be traced back to the 15th century. In fact, the oldest known written valentine still in existence is a poem penned by Charles, Duke of Orleans, who wrote to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London in 1415.

Alex Honeysett
Former Director of Communications, Channel One News

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.