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A community-driven blog supporting educators, building lifelong learners,
and shaping the future of education.* 

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Learn how to teach leadership skills to middle and high school students. Effective leadership is a skill that can be learned, practiced, and improved upon.

Jenny Fulton
Shaped Contributor

How Not To Spend Your Weekend

To cut down on the work required from your end, consider a writing process that includes self-review, peer-review, and teacher review using digital tools.

Bob Keller
Educational Solutions Consultant

Love Of Literacy

We asked teachers to express their love for reading in honor of the 20th anniversary of our READ 180 Universal program.

Jordan Friedman
Former Shaped Editor

Math Tech In Classroom

Read about integrating technology in the math classroom and how math technology can be used as a tool to support teaching.

Dr. Matthew R. Larson
Past President, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM); Senior Fellow, Math Solutions

Teaching about Triumphs and Tragedies in African American History

We have an obligation to explore parts of our history that are difficult to talk about as well as those moments that are uplifting.

Susan Steinway
Archivist, HMH

Singapore Math22

With this approach, teachers can help students become confident, creative, and persistent learners.

Laura Gifford

Blended Coaching

This approach to coaching is flexible, engaging, and provides immediate feedback to educators.

Dr. Monica Robinson
K-12 Academic Support Programs Coordinator, Virginia Beach City Public Schools


With the explosion of one-to-one device usage, schools should develop specific technology competencies around safety, time management, and positive peer interaction.

Anthony Colannino
Senior Fellow, the Center for Model Schools; Leading & Teaching for Growth, LLC; Author of Leading with Head and Heart

Evidence Notebook00

Students use evidence notebooks to record observations and predictions, make sketches, and note questions that they have.

Michael DiSpezio
Author, ScienceFusion and HMH Science Dimensions Programs

students smiling at their school desks

Explore six advantages of an asset-based approach in education on how it can improve classroom behavior.

Victoria Raish
Shaped Contributor

Laundry Schools Equity

Administrators in some low-income districts are installing washing machines in schools as a solution to falling attendance rates.

Jordan Friedman
Former Shaped Editor

Writing Student

It's time to rethink the traditional writing instruction we offer English learners and struggling readers.

Dr. Kate Kinsella
Author, English 3D; Co-Author, Read 180®; Teacher Educator, Researcher; CEO, Dr. Kate Kinsella & Associates

Education Not Broken

Thought leader Weston Kieschnick argues that education isn't broken. The tools we use to teach are just changing.

Weston Kieschnick
Associate Partner, ICLE

Classcraft How to Get Back into the Teaching Routine after a Holiday

Discover 6 ways you can get back into a teaching routine after a holiday break. Recover from a break fresh, renewed, and free of burnout.

Amanda Clark
Shaped Contributor

Standards Creativity

There must be a way to prepare students for the rigors of rhetorical analysis without abandoning imaginative expression.

Carol Jago
HMH Author and Associate Director, California Reading & Literature Project at UCLA


After MSC 2018, these educators leveraged the Rigor/Relevance Framework to bring their district's mission and vision statements to life.

Allison Pape
Director of Secondary and Advanced Academics, Seguin ISD

Danica Murillo
Director of Professional Learning, Seguin ISD

2News Roundup 1  Glass

Stay up to date on the K-12 education issues that matter to you.

Julia Roch

Science Tech Engineering

Understanding the connections between science, engineering, and technology are important to monitoring planets and other parts of our solar system.

Dr. Mike Passow
Former Classroom Teacher; Past President, National Earth Science Teachers Association

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.