
A community-driven blog supporting educators, building lifelong learners,
and shaping the future of education.* 

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Teacher and student in classroom at whiteboard

Understanding the Benefits of Personalized Learning

Learn more about the benefits of personalized learning to help guide you when implementing it in your classroom.

Teachers in America Briana Morales

Podcast: Helping Students Heal Through Writing with Briana Morales

2024 Illinois State Teach of the Year Briana Morales shares how she uses healing-centered engagement and storytelling to empower her students. Plus she shares writing activities to engage students in identity work and how to start a classroom dignity closet to help students in need.

Latest Posts

WF2014219 Option 4

Dr. Joshua P. Starr
Managing Partner, The Center for Model Schools and Author, Equity-Based Leadership

WF1933153 hero

Explore 9 key qualities of a good student leader, and learn ways to help cultivate students' leadership skills in the classroom.

Shaddoe Lambert
Former Teacher; HMH Product Manager

teacher helping student on tablet

Technology can make the heart of teaching easier and can open space for educators to rediscover the joy that inspires both themselves and their students.

Shawn Young
Vice President, Product Management and Strategy for the Core Digital Classroom Experience

WF1791650 Shaped 2023 Blog Post What is a School Improvement Plan 1

Drive positive change and enhance your overall effectiveness as an administrator this year with a school improvement plan.

Dr. Jessica Huizenga
Associate Partner, The Center for Model Schools

Blog Hero WF1846905 Shaped 2023 Jack Lynch ECR Article

Each year, HMH releases the Educator Confidence Report, a barometer for how educators are feeling about the state of their profession. We asked over 1,200 teachers and administrators for their thoughts on generative AI, its potential and their usage.

John "Jack" Lynch
President, Chief Executive Officer, and Director, HMH

Two female teachers talking at the whiteboard

Explore the two primary models of instructional coaching–educational and teaching–and get practical insight for implementation in your school or district.

Tera Gall
Instruction and Leadership Coach

School Principal Leadership Coaching HERO

The journey to strong instructional leadership is personal, and school-leader coaching provides support as principals learn to lead.

Kyra Donovan
Associate Partner, The Center for Model Schools

Lighthouse Awards Announcement Meet Our HMH Lighthouses Hero

Over 500 teachers were nominated for the inaugural HMH Lighthouse Awards. Meet the 10 winners.

Steve Pemberton
Author of The Lighthouse Effect; Speaker

Carmen Ortiz-McGhee
Chief Operating Officer, National Association of Investment Companies (NAIC)

The Future of Education Technology in the Classroom

While the future of education technology in the classroom can seem intimidating, it’s also full of promise.

Aoife Dempsey
Senior Vice President Product Management, HMH

The Lighthouse Effect: How Teachers Can Have an Extraordinary Impact on the World

Steve Pemberton, the author of The Lighthouse Effect, and Carmen Ortiz-McGhee, Chief Operating Officer at NAIC and one of the lighthouses featured in Steve’s book, explain the Lighthouse Effect principle and how their teacher lighthouses positively impacted their lives.

Steve Pemberton
Author of The Lighthouse Effect; Speaker

Carmen Ortiz-McGhee
Chief Operating Officer, National Association of Investment Companies (NAIC)

What Is an Instructional Coach in Education? Hero

What is an instructional coach in education? Learn more about how coaches support teachers in their pursuit of student learning.

Kyra Donovan
Associate Partner, The Center for Model Schools

100-Day Principal Plan text

Becoming a principal is a great accomplishment, but now that you have the job, what’s next? Learn how to put a first 100-days entry plan in place.

Dr. Christopher Price
Associate Partner, The Center for Model Schools

Instructional Coaching Plan Template Hero

An instructional coaching plan template can help you envision what you want for your school district, school, or classroom.

Adam Drummond, EdD
Associate Partner, The Center for Model Schools and Author, Instructional Leadership

Interview Questions for Hiring an Instructional Coach

Get instructional coach interview questions, plus additional expert tips on what it takes to best support teachers.

Kyra Donovan
Associate Partner, The Center for Model Schools

WF1679300 Hero

See the math that explains how an intervention treatment program for students offers a long-term return on investment.

Sam Howe
Senior Vice President, Academic Planning & Analysis, HMH

Fun Team Building Activities for Teachers and Staff HERO

Teachers in America podcast guest, Whitney Aragaki, shares her favorite fun team-building activities for teachers and staff!

Whitney Aragaki
Shaped Contributor

WF1618780 Banner

Eric Sheninger’s 7 Pillars of Digital Leadership offers a strong foundation for leaders to embrace the use of technology in their leadership and schools.

Eric Sheninger
Senior Fellow, the Center for Model Schools; Aspire Change EDU; Keynote Speaker; Author

*The views expressed in our blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of HMH.