The Amazing Reading Brain: Why Emotion Plays a Large Part in Reading Comprehension

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The reading brain is an amazing thing. Comprehension involves numerous cognitive parts, or subcommittees, working together to engage with text, decode words, and situate those words in both context and voice so they have meaning, and monitor whether or not it’s all making sense. Recent neurocognitive research has provided a window into how the brain distributes the multiple tasks involved in reading.

To help show the brain in action, we developed a 3D model of the reading brain and the physical regions involved in the phonological, semantic, orthographic, emotional, and executive functions that support reading comprehension. Take a quick look at the video below to see the role emotion plays in reading comprehension. If you want to learn more, join me for a webinar that will explore how to organize the resources and foster the culture necessary to activate and sustain the reading brain’s various subcommittees.

Want to learn more? Join Dr. Dockterman’s webinar on Oct. 18, “Fueling the Brain’s Affective and Cognitive Subcommittees for Literacy.”

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