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New Year's Resolutions Every Science Teacher Can Relate To

New Years Resolutions Science

We are about to start a new year, and for science teachers, it’s another chance to make (and break) some resolutions. 

Here are a few of my favorites based on real teacher and student lab experiences that should help you avoid a few headaches in 2020:

  • I resolve to check with the school maintenance crew before setting up my outdoor experiment—only to have it mowed under.
  • I resolve to rebuild a relationship with our school maintenance engineer by promising not to let students shred bars of soap to study properties of matter (and ultimately to study lack of floor friction).
  • I resolve to rebuild a relationship with our school maintenance engineer by promising to keep the cockroach terrarium lid securely fastened throughout all of our entomology unit. 
  • I resolve to protect the lab ceiling by not turning my back on students doing labs. 

  • I resolve to have clear lab instructions to keep my students from trying to read pH paper like a ruler. 
  • I resolve to position the class pyromaniacs within direct lines of sight during labs and in close proximity to the fire extinguisher. 
  • I resolve to remember that spilling chemicals on writing instruments makes them unsuitable for chewing. 

Have a fabulous New Year from all of the HMH Science team. Be sure to join our HMH Science Facebook page to support your fellow teachers in all your resolutions.


Learn more about HMH's K–12 science programs, which are designed to encourage student-directed learning and deeper understanding of concepts.

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Photo: High school science teacher Dr. Claudia Singkornrat