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Model Schools Conference 2019: A Recap in Attendee Tweets


The 2019 Model Schools Conference (MSC) may be over, but your journey to transformation is likely just beginning! We hope you are using what you learned in the sessions and by networking to bring back something impactful to your school or district.

MSC 2019 was full of informative keynote presentations as well as opportunities to meet and speak with other educators and listen to school transformation stories. In case you missed this year’s conference—or if you want a chance to relive those exciting four days—we’ve highlighted some attendee tweets from Twitter that showcase what MSC 2019 was all about. 

Learning From Keynote Speeches

The International Center for Leadership in Education’s (ICLE) Weston Kieschnick, a Senior Fellow and the author of Bold School, and Dr. Bill Daggett, ICLE’s founder, gave the opening and second keynotes, respectively. Kieschnick explored how to ignite your students' love of learning, while Daggett focused in part on the skills our students need to develop to succeed in a changing society driven largely by digital technology. 

Linda Cliatt-Wayman, a passionate education advocate with an unwavering belief in the potential of all children, gave the keynote on the third day, examining how her leadership helped transform Strawberry Mansion High School in Philadelphia. And Simon Sinek, an unshakeable optimist and bestselling author, concluded MSC 2019 with a speech on how to apply an “infinite game mindset” to leading a school or district.

Exchanging Ideas and Resources—and Having Fun!

One of the most helpful components of MSC for teachers and administrators is the opportunity to connect with 5,000 other educators—in addition to education experts and authors—from across the United States. Here’s what some of our attendees said about the chance to develop new relationships (and build on existing ones!), swap ideas, and network with others at this year’s event.

Attending Sessions 

There were a wide range of informational and how-to sessions. Our Model Schools and Innovative Districts shared their transformation stories, and education experts provided their insights on topics ranging from social-emotional learning to school culture to the role of edtech in the classroom.


Does your school have a must-tell turnaround story? Are you making strides in student achievement and meeting several of these criteria? Do you have an innovative solution to a widespread challenge? We want to hear from you. Apply to present as a Model School or an Innovative District at next year's conference.

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National Director, Academic Planning and Analytics, HMH