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8 New Year’s Resolutions for Ed Tech Leaders to Live by in 2017

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The New Year is all about fresh starts. When it comes to education technology, it’s the perfect time to look at something in a different light, maximize instructional impact, or start an improvement plan.

To that end, we asked eight thought leaders with over 100 years of combined education experience to determine a mantra to guide educators and administrators through 2017. They shared a variety of ideas, but one common theme emerged: when it comes to ed tech, remember the human element.

Here’s what they had to say:

1.     “When what we know is best for our students is in conflict with what adults are most comfortable doing, do what is best for the students.

— Bill Daggett, Founder and Chairman, International Center for Leadership in Education


2.     “Resist neuro-fads and jumping on (any more) bandwagons. Avoid things

with hyperbole and look for claims that are backed up with valid evidence.”

— David Dockterman, Chief Architect, Learning Sciences, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

3.      “It is very easy to get mesmerized by the latest app, gadget, device, or tech tool. In order to experience the full potential of educational technology, focus on the foundation first. Pedagogy trumps technology.

— Eric Sheninger, Senior Fellow, International Center for Leadership in Education

4.     “Plan. Promote. Implement. Measure. Support. Rinse and repeat. There are no silver bullets—just hard work and smart work.”

— Rose Else-Mitchell, Executive Vice President, Professional Services, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

5.    "Have a bias for action over talking and planning, but act smart and with your students and teachers in mind."

— Steve Gilmer, Senior Vice President, Technical Services, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

6.     "Always remember that there is a unique story behind every student that data alone can never tell.

— Stevin Smith, Vice President, Tech Services, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

7.     “Put digital devices at the fingertips of students to facilitate and stretch their learning – but as determined by the learner.

— Sue Gendron, President, International Center for Leadership in Education


8.     “Coach better and with more consistency. When teachers are coached through the awkward phase of ed tech implementation, more than 80% can replicate innovative instructional practices. If it's worth teaching, it's worth coaching.”

— Weston Kieschnick, Senior Fellow, International Center for Leadership in Education

What are your ed tech resolutions for 2017?  Tell us in the comments below!

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